
  •   Red Clay Consolidated School District

    Dual Language Immersion Program

    Offering Children the Gift of a Second Language


    The Red Clay Consolidated School District is excited to offer a Chinese Language Immersion Program at Linden Hill Elementary.

    The goal of the program is to create a continuous, K-12 immersion pathway. Each year, the Immersion Program is designed “add” a grade as our initial class of kindergarten students moves on to the next grade level.

    To maintain compliance with the Department of Education Dual-Language Immersion Program Assurances, our incoming Kindergarten Cohort should include 50 students/2 classrooms.

    This  program will provide some of our youngest learners with an exciting opportunity to learn and engage in two languages and cultures - English and Mandarin Chinese - during the school day.

    • Students will spend approximtely 50% of the day in each language
    • English: Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and reinforcements of concepts and vocabulary to support Math and Science
    • Mandarin Chinese: Math, Science, and Mandarin Language Arts
    • Related Arts will be taught in English

    Enroll by completing The Choice Application and selecting The Immersion Program. 

Why Immersion?


    Dual language immersion programs help students attain high levels of proficiency in a second language. Young children in particular thrive in this type of environment and are more adept at language acquisition.


    Second Language Skills

    Students in an immersion program can be expected to achieve a high level of proficiency in the second language.

    Improved Academic Performance

    Exposing students to language at a young age helps promote intellectual development. Children who participate in immersion programs perform as well as or better than their peers on achievement tests in English and math.

    Cognitive Development

    Dual language students typically develop increased attention control, memory, and superior problem-solving skills. In addition, learning a second language can enhance students’ understanding of their primary language.

    Cultural Sensitivity

    Students in immersion programs are more aware of and show more positive attitudes toward other cultures, enabling them to interact effectively with people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs, and interests.

    Long-Term Benefits

    Later in life, immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where knowledge of a second language is an asset.

How Does Immersion Work?

  • Dual language immersion offers a rich bilingual experience for young learners. Immersion classes follow a similar curriculum in all content areas (reading, writing, math, science, and social studies) as all other classrooms and use many of the same materials.

    Ideally, two teachers will instruct students in this program - one for half the day in English, and the other for half the day in Chinese Immersion. In the Chinese-speaking classroom, the teacher will speak in Mandarin and use a range of strategies including pictures, songs, games, body language, facial expressions, and more.

    • Students will spend 50% of the day in each language
    • English: Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and reinforcements of concepts and vocabulary to support Math and Science
    • Mandarin Chinese: Math, Science, and Mandrin Language Arts
    • Related Arts will be taught in English


    For more information, please contact Linden Hill Elementary School at 302-454-3406. For information about Kindergarten Choice, please call the Red Clay Consolidated School District Choice Office at 302-552-3789.