- Red Clay Early Years Program
- Developmental Screening Information
What are Developmental Milestones, what is Developmental Screening, and why should I complete the ASQs?
Because the first 5 years of life are so important, we want to help you provide the best start for your child. Red Clay Consolidated School District is implementing an online screening measure to help parents track their child’s development. The ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaire) is a set of questionnaires designed for parents/caregivers to complete. We are inviting you to participate in the ASQ online screening. There are 2 components to the ASQ. One set of questions (ASQ:3) focuses on school readiness and the other set of questions (ASQ-SE:2) focuses on social/emotional development.
Both areas of development are very important.In Red Clay, each family who completes the online ASQs will receive screening results and information regarding developmental milestones/activities. If a child's scores indicate a potential delay the family will be provided with contact information to review results and, if necessary, contact information to request additional evaluations.
Click on the questions below for more information about developmental screenings:
Why is developmental screening important?
Developmental milestonesSPANISH Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)
Haga clic en la imagen de abajo para completar el ASQ-3 y ASQ-SE2
To learn about the Developmental Milestones for each age, visit: