Mote Policies and Procedures

  • Mote Policies and Procedures

    Updated School Policy and Procedures effective immediately:

    Visiting Mote: All Parents and other visitors MUST report to the office to receive a visitor’s identification badge before proceeding to any other area of the school. All visitors will be required to submit a Photo ID or license prior to receiving a badge.  Parents will not be allowed to go to their child’s classroom while school is in session without an arranged meeting with the teacher.

    Door Security & Announcing Yourself: During the school day entry to Mote can only be attained by ringing the doorbell.  You will be asked to announce your reason for requesting entry. In rare circumstances, for the safety of our students it may be necessary to temporarily deny entry. In these cases we will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and we appreciate your understanding.

    Walkers, Drop-offs, and Pick-UpsStudents are not permitted to be in the building before 8:35 am – this includes walkers and car riders. Car riders must wait in their cars until the doors open.  There is no adult assigned to watch the walkers or the car riders.  Students are not to be playing on the steps or ramp at the front of the building.  All regular car pick-ups must fill out a Parent Pick-Up form and get a window number.  All drivers must follow the set traffic pattern around the front of the building.  This pattern has been designed to maintain safety for our children.  Please do not deviate from the regular flow.  Children must be picked-up prior to 3:15 pm.  If your child is going to deviate from his or her regular dismissal procedure you must submit a written note signed by a parent or guardian to your child’s teacher.  Please include the name of the person picking up your child in the note and have that person prepared to show Photo ID to our office staff.  While emergencies do happen, phone calls for a change in dismissal procedures for your child will not be accepted.  Please help us continue to keep your children safe.

    Birthday Celebrations:  Families will not be allowed to bring in cakes or treats to celebrate their child’s birthday this year.   The school and teachers will find various ways to celebrate our students’ birthday with keeping Red Clay’s wellness and healthy nutrition policy in mind.  Please support our desire to assure that all students are safe and free from allergy concerns.

    General Procedures:

    Attendance: School attendance of students between 6 and 16 years of age is mandatory in Delaware. A child who is absent MUST, upon returning to school, bring a note from the parent or Doctor stating the reason for the absence. Excessive absences will be referred to the Visiting Teacher. 

    Excuses recognized as valid are:

      • Illness of child
      • Contagious disease within a home
      • Critical illness/death in the family
      • Legal business
      • Religious holiday
      • Suspension
      • All others are unexcused. Students missing more than 25 days of school, whether excused or unexcused may be retained. 

    Supplies: Students may receive two supply lists – one general list, which is provided on our website and a ‘classroom specific’ list.  Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade are encouraged to have a calculator.  

    Bullying Information: Please refer to the district website for the updated Bully Policy.

    Cell phones:  Cell Phones have become increasingly present in our lives and consequently also in our children’s lives.  There is however no need for children to have their cell phones on or out during the school day.  Any cell phone visible during the school day will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct and will be confiscated.  Students who have been given cell phones for before or after school safety may keep them turned off in their book-bags.  Students will not be asked to produce their cell phones from their book-bags if they are turned off.  All students deserve the opportunity to learn in an environment free from cell phone distractions.  Thank you

    Day Care:  If your child will be going to a Day Care either before or after school you must fill out a Daycare Transportation form.  If you have not filled out a Daycare Transportation Request form for this school year please do so immediately.  This will ensure that your child’s transportation will be accurate for the start of school.  If you have any questions, please call our secretary, Claudia Lopez, at 992-5565.

    Dress Code: (The code can be found on page 18 of the Student Code of Conduct) the following regulations shall govern the dress and grooming of students in all grades. Student dress may vary with instructional activity and special events when announced by the principal.

      • Appropriate and safe footwear must be worn at all times. Specifically, house slippers are not appropriate in school or at school functions.
      • Hats, headbands, head coverings, and ear coverings are not to be worn in the building during school hours.
      • Any garments deemed inappropriately tight, short, or revealing (mesh tops, midriff tops, tank tops, tube tops, short shorts, etc.) are prohibited during school hours.
      • Any attire that is disruptive to the educational process is prohibited. Attire that is unsafe, unhealthy, offensive to generally accepted standards, or obscene is not to be worn. Decals, slogans, or pictures that contain references to illegal substances (i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc.) or immoral behavior are not allowed.
      • Removal of accessories (jewelry, dangling scarves, etc.) during shop, physical education or lab is required for safety.
      • Items not specifically covered in the above-listed regulations will be at the discretion and good judgment of the principal.

    Pants worn in a “Sag and Drag” fashion (pants worn below the waist to the extent that the underwear and/or skin is/could be exposed) are not permitted in school or at school functions.