- North Star Elementary School
- Welcome
The Talented and Gifted Program at North Star Elementary School is an adaptation of the Renzulli Enrichment Model, which champions academic achievement, task commitment, and creativity. Students in second through fifth grades are considered for placement based on the individual evaluation of the following:
- Classroom Performance
- Achievement Test Scores
- Ability Test Scores
- Nomination Information*
*Students are typically nominated by teachers. However, parent, peer, and self nominations are accepted, as well.
Evaluation Process for the Talented and Gifted Program - RCCSD
Admission to the program is based on a multitude of measures, including standardized test scores, classroom performance, teacher feedback, and parent input. Our program is rooted in Joseph Renzulli’s Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness model, which encompasses academic achievement, creativity, and task commitment. Candidates should excel in all of these areas.
After evaluating the initial data, which includes, but is not limited to, measures such as standardized test percentiles, teacher input, and parent input, an initial determination for potential placement will be made. Students that qualify at this point will move on to the ability testing phase. After compiling all of the students’ portfolios, our committee will meet to review every candidate and make placement decisions. Parents will be notified of placement decisions in writing.
Goals of the Talented and Gifted Program are:
- to provide exploratory activities based upon student interests and designed by the Teacher of Talented and Gifted.
- to develop cognitive and affective skills in the areas of creative thinking, self-concepts, and relationships.
- to develop "how to learn" study skills.
- to develop visual, oral and written communication skills.
- to provide opportunities for students to organize information; focus, plan and manage an investigation; and share findings and/or products with an appropriate audience.
The emphasis of the program is enrichment. Activities are divided into three categories:
Type I: Exploratory Activities
Type I exploratory activities are designed to:
- expose students to a wide variety of subject areas
- expand the scope of experiences provided through our school
- stimulate new interests
Type II: Training
Type II training activities promote the development of:
- Cognitive and Affective Skills (creative and critical thinking skills)
- Learning How to Learn Skills (reference, research, and study skills)
- Communication Skills (written, visual and oral communication)
Students receive training in how to do research, think creatively, solve problems, make decisions, practice thinking skills, and communicate with others. These skills are tools to help the student become a better investigator. Type II activities make up the core of the curriculum for students in the talent pool.
Type III: Independent Investigations/Project-Based Learning
Type III independent investigations are activities in which students become actual investigators of real problems or topics using appropriate methods of inquiry. The results are shared with an audience. Students identify areas that they would like to pursue further and the approach they will use to share their research with an audience.