Nicole Ewing, MSN, RN, NCSN

    Nurse's Office:  302-454-3429
    Confidential Fax:  302-996-1205
    Email:  nicole.ewing@redclay.k12.de.us

    I am available for any students who have an illness or injury or may require medication or emergency treatment during the school day.  If your student has a visit, you will receive information about their visit in a variety of ways depending upon the reason for their visit.  ALL students who visit the nurse will receive a Nurse's Note (they are on yellow paper) with information about their visit.  This should come home with your student in their folder.  Additionally, you may receive an email or phone call if needed.  If you have a preference about how to be contacted, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know. 

    Additional information: Feminine hygiene products are available in the 4th/5th grade hall girl's bathroom and in the nurse's office.

    Additionally, I conduct health screenings for all students.  All students who are in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades will receive vision and hearing screenings.  Notices will be sent home with students who do not pass the school screening.  All 5th grades students will receive a postural (scoliosis) screening.  Students who do not pass this screening will have a notice sent home and will be further screened by a physical therapist from Nemours later in the school year.  Additional information will be sent home with your student if this screening indicates a need for further evaluation.  If you have any questions about any of the health screenings, please do not hesitate to contact me.  


    Here are a few tips on ensuring that your student is given the best care at school.  Please complete the Student Data Card that is sent home at the beginning of the school year with your child.  The medical information on this card will help me to provide the best care possible for your child and provides updated contact information in the event of an emergency.  The information on this card will be kept confidential and will only be shared with staff members on a "need-to-know" basis or with your permission.   If changes occur in your student's health (i.e. new medications, medical conditions, or injuries)  please update me as soon as possible. 

    Health Requirements for School Entry

    All students are required to present the required health documents prior to school entry.  Please click on the form below for more information about these requirements.  


    DE Student Health Form

    Entry Requirements - Linden Hill

    TB Risk Assessment Students