• Nurse's Office • Ruthann Turner

    Phone: 302-651-2642 Fax: 302-996-1205 Email: ruthann.turner@redclay.k12.de.us

    From the School Nurse:

    Welcome back to school! I am so glad to see returning students and meet our new students. Please help me keep them safe and healthy by sending me any plans or information about your students, especially if they are being treated and using medication. For example:

    • Some students with ADHD take medication during the school day and, if so, I will need that medication in the original bottle with instructions.
    • Students with Asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan from their doctor, and if they carry an inhaler please complete the attached form. Plus, it is very helpful for me to have a spare inhaler in my office for that day when theirs runs out!
    • Students with allergies should have an Allergy Action Plan. Examples attached but you probably have one from your doctor, especially if your student carries an EpiPen!
    • Any other unique student needs that involves them visiting the nurses' office during the school day.

    Student Data Cards have been sent home; completing them and returning them may be all the information I need! If you have not got one please let me know! This helps me best care for your students by helping me be aware of their health history and, of course, your permission to give them Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Tums. If you want your student to receive any over-the-counter medicine (for example, I do not have allergy medicine although the students frequently ask for this), please send this in and I will label it for your students only!

    Please send any supplies your student may need. Please feel free to call my office number: 302-651-2642 or text me: 302-223-4197 or email me at Ruthann.Turner@redclay.k12/de/us

    Looking forward to a healthy year for all of us!

    Nurse Turner


    State of Delaware Heath Requirements for Students

    Minimum Immunizations Required for All School Enterers for School Year

    • Four or more doses of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP, DTP) with the following exceptions: a child who received a fourth dose prior to the fourth birthday must have a fifth dose; a child who received the first dose of Td (adult) at or after age seven may meet this requirement with only three doses of Td (adult)
    • A booster dose of Td (adult) is recommended for all students, five years after the last DTaP, DTP or DT dose was administered.
    • Three or more doses of inactivated polio virus (IPV), oral polio vaccine (OPV) with the following exception: A child who received a third dose prior to the fourth birthday must have a fourth dose.
    • Two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. The first dose should be administered at or after the age of 12 months. The second dose should be administered after the fourth birthday
    • Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
    • Two doses of Varicella vaccine
    • An adolescent booster dose of Tdap
    • One dose of meningococcal Approved Vaccine

    Physical Exam Requirements

    • All entering 9th grade students must have a documented physical examination performed by a healthcare provider completed in the previous 2 years.

    Tuberculosis Requirements

    • New school enterers shall provide tuberculosis screening results from either a Tuberculosis Test or the results of a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment administered within the past 12 months prior to school entry.

    Medication Policy

    Students may not carry any prescription or over-the-counter medications with them in school except for these: Rapid acting bronchial inhalers (e.g. Albuterol), Auto-injectable epinephrine (Epi-Pen) and/or cough drops. All other medications must be stored in the Nurse’s Office. If your child wishes to carry their own inhaler or self-inject epinephrine, the following form must be completed and returned to the nurse. --> Self-Administer Form (english) // Self-Administer Form (Spanish)

    All medication sent to school must be in properly labeled bottles with the correct child’s name, drug name, exact dose and time to be dispensed. It is recommended that a parent/guardian brings all prescription medication to school. A doctor’s note with instructions for dispensing at school, plus a proper parent's note are required. You may ask your pharmacist for an extra labeled bottle for use at school. A note MUST include the child’s name, drug name, dose, drug route, exact time(s) to be given, exact date(s) to be given, reason for being given, allergies and a number where parent may be reached.*  Download the form here --> *Medication Permission Form

    *Please note that if the medication that you send in for your child does not meet ALL of the above criteria for labeling and proper parent note, the medication WILL NOT BE GIVEN. The medication will be sent home with your child. NO exceptions will be made. We cannot accept telephone permission to administer medication. You may write your own as long as it meets all of the above criteria. These requirements are a State of Delaware law.

    Other non-prescription medications may be administered by the nurse with parental permission.  These medications must be brought to school and the non-prescription medication form must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian.  The link to this form can be found here --> Non-Prescription Medication Form

    Student Data Cards/Emergency Cards

    Delaware Department of Education regulation 801 states: A Delaware Emergency Treatment Card shall be on file for every child enrolled in the Delaware Public Education system and the card must contain at a minimum, requests for the following information: student’s name, birth date, school district, school, grade, homeroom or teacher, home address, home phone, mother/guardian’s name and/or father/guardian’s name, their place of employment and work phone, two other names, addresses and phone numbers for times when the parent or guardian cannot be reached, family physician, name and phone, family dentist, name and phone, student’s medical problems and allergies, the student’s medical insurance the parent/guardian’s signature. This information may be shared on a need-to-know basis.

    Please make every effort to send a complete emergency card to school for the safety of your child. One purpose of this form is to assist the nurse and other school personnel in reaching parents/guardians should a medical emergency arise. In the absence of this form, the school may not be able to provide full or immediate treatment. During the course of the school year, should this information change, please notify the school nurse so that we can update your child’s card. ---> Click to download which blank student data card in the language of preference - English // Spanish

    Policy for Early Dismissal from School Due to Illness

    All students MUST come to the Nurse’s Office and be assessed by the school nurse PRIOR to a parent being called to pick up a student. No student may use a cell phone, e-mail, or text message to contact a parent to request that they be picked up. The phone call must be initiated by the school nurse or the absence will be considered unexcused.

    Other Helpful Forms