Office of Communications

  • The Office of Communications seeks to provide timely, accurate and meaningful information about the many facets of Red Clay to the community at large. The Office of Communications acts as the liaison between media and the district, implements the district’s public relations program, oversees the management of the district’s 24-hour educational cable channel, organizes district events and disseminates the news through various avenues created and maintained by the office.

    The Chief Communications Officer serves as the district's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer, serves as the district spokesperson and monitors and organizes several committees.

    When requesting public records, please be specific in your description of the types of records, dates, parties to correspondence, subject matter, etc. you seek. The Red Clay Consolidated School District will make every reasonable effort to assist you.

    Submit your FOIA Request online

    FOIA Coordinator:

    Hugh Broomall
    Deputy Superintendent
    1502 Spruce Avenue
    Wilmington, DE 19805